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Digital Marketing Strategy and Roadmap

For companies embarking on a digital marketing campaign to raise brand awareness, having a sound and viable strategy is crucial to its success. At its core, the digital marketing strategy defines the opportunities brought about by the marketing effort and articulates how they may be capitalised to help the company achieve its strategic interests and marketing goals. An effective strategy usually integrates multi-channel marketing activities into a singular effort for ease of execution.

Following that, a digital marketing roadmap will be formulated and used to guide the attainment of the stated goals through practical and actionable plans that span specific time windows. From strategy to implementation, each step of the digital marketing effort must then be carefully thought out and immaculately executed to derive the most desired outcomes for the company.

At Intangibles, our experienced consultants can assist you with the formulation of the digital marketing strategy and roadmap for a highly effective digital marketing campaign. With the use of our proprietary software, our team is also able to derive data-driven insights that will allow you to make more informed decisions during the marketing campaign, with the primary aim of increasing conversion rates, generating more new leads and improving engagement rate via online marketing techniques.

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